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Memo: Hearings in the Lubbock, Amarillo, Abilene, and San Angelo Divisions

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

This Memorandum supersedes the November 19, 2021 Memorandum that addresses court hearings in the Lubbock, Amarillo, Abilene, and San Angelo (L, A, A, and S/ A) divisions. The November 19, 2021 Memorandum was issued to direct the manner of hearings in the L, A, A, and S/A divisions and to coincide with the then-Northern District's General Order 2021-06 that governed hearings in the Dallas and Fort Worth Divisions. Given the expiration on September 21, 2023 of the "temporary exception to the Cameras in the Courtroom policy" that was adopted by the judiciary to accommodate the health and safety concerns during the COVID- 19 pandemic, Chief Judge Jernigan has issued General Order 2023-05 that addresses hearings going forward in the Dallas and Fort Worth Divisions, General Order 2023-05 supersedes General Order 2021-06. As with new General Order 2023-05 for the metroplex divisions in the Northern District, this Memorandum establishes how hearings will be conducted in the L, A, A, and S/ A divisions.

Please click here to view the memorandum in it's entirety.