VCIS Phone Number: 866-222-8029
The Voice Case Information System allows you to dial into the bankruptcy court's computer from any touchtone telephone and hear case information about a bankruptcy case or adversary proceeding filed in the Northern District of Texas. The information reported is the most current available since it is retrieved from the court's live database.
VCIS is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There is no charge for this service.
The following search options are available on the VCIS menu:
- Search by case number
- Search by debtor
- Search by social security number or tax identification number
Once a case is located, the following information is provided:
- date filed
- debtor's name
- voluntary/involuntary filing
- bankruptcy case number
- debtor's SSN or Tax ID#
- case status
- presiding judge
- deadlines for filing proof of claim
- availability of assets
- disposition of case
- date of discharge
- trustee name
- debtor's attorney's name & telephone number
- case chapter