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Abilene, Amarillo, Lubbock, and San Angelo Divisions

The intent of this policy is to provide general guidance on the holding of court during inclement weather or other building emergencies in the Abilene, Amarillo, Lubbock, and San Angelo divisions. If there is a court closure because of inclement weather, our court will publish a notification on But even if the physical courthouse is closed, hearings may still be conducted via WebEx, at the discretion of Judge Jones. Unless the announcement posted to the TXNB webpage specifically states that hearings are cancelled, parties should assume court hearings will still be held via WebEx only.

For questions regarding specific hearings or cases, parties should contact the courtroom deputy for Judge Jones at (806) 472-5006 or

In instances where the George H. Mahon Federal Courthouse is closed due to inclement weather or other building emergencies, an information hotline is available at (806) 472-5005. A pre-recorded message will provide information on the opening and closing of the bankruptcy clerk's office. No other message will be provided at this telephone number.