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Is there an online training that I can take for ECF registration?
Yes. Attorney's can take ECF Online Attorney Training through the Court's website.
Our email was down yesterday, and we missed any electronic filing notices that were sent out. Can you resend them?
We do not have the capability to resend the automatic email notifications that are sent on cases in which you are involved. To prevent this problem from reoccurring, add a secondary email address to your ECF account with an ISP provider other than your primary provider (for example, an internet-based email domain). This will allow you to continue to receive electronic notices while the primary email address is being restored.
Can I use the ECF Training site at anytime?
Yes you can. The ECF Training site is available to you at anytime and will not be deactivated for inactivity.
I am no longer involved in an adversary case as an attorney, but I continue to receive electronic notices for the main case. How do I make them stop?
ECF gives you the option to receive electronic notices for adversary cases only and not their respective lead cases.
Log into ECF. Under the Utilities menu select Maintain Your ECF Account. When the main screen appears, click the Email Information button located at the bottom of the screen. Halfway down the page you will see a section related to noticing for adversary proceedings. Select the second radio that reads Send notices for adversary proceedings in which I am directly involved but not for their related bankruptcy cases and click Return to Account Screen. The final step is to click Submit in order for the system to accept your changes and a second Submit button will complete the update.
PDF documents are not showing the Case Number, Document Number or the Date Stamps in the header.
To show the Headers on PDF documents filed in PACER, input the case number and Run Query.
Click Docket Report and check the box to Include headers when displaying PDF documents.
Can an attorney receive emails regarding cases in which the attorney is not a participant?
Yes they can, but will still be charged document fees from PACER. This is called “watching” a case. To be a watcher:
1) Log in to ECF with your ECF login (not your PACER login)
2) Click on Utilities, then Maintain Your ECF Account
3) At the bottom of the main screen, click on the Email Information button
4) Check the box to Send notices in these additional cases, then add the case numbers in the format YY-NNNNN for each case desired.
5) After you have entered all the case numbers you want to watch, choose the tab that says 'Return to Account Screen." Then click on "Submit" to ensure your changes are recorded.
NOTE: The system will show “watchers” as receiving the emails for the notices. They will show up on the NEF under the section ”Notice will be electronically mailed to” and also on the “Report: E-mail Info” for a case.
Does each Bankruptcy Court follow the same rules regarding PDF file size and what is the file size maximum for the Northern District?
Each court determines the file size limit.
The Northern District's maximum file size is 25MB. Each PDF can be up to 25MB.
What are the procedures to obtain a loan modification or refinance and where can I find them?
You can view the procedures from Clerk's Notice 09-03 which you can find on the court's website
How do I prove I have not filed for bankruptcy?
In order for the clerk's office to certify you have not filed for bankruptcy in the Northern District of Texas Bankruptcy Court, the alleged debtor must file an Application for Search of Bankruptcy Records. A search of court records, based on the social security number provided, will be performed and if a match is not found then the court will certify the document and append the court's seal. There is a $31 search fee plus $11.00 for certification.
The applicant will be responsible for communicating with the credit bureaus to have the erroneous reporting resolved.
Does a Chapter 11 business case qualify to pay the filing fee in installments?
A Chapter 11 business case does not qualify to pay the filing fee in installments. However, a Chapter 11 individual case does qualify to file an application to pay the filing fee in installments.