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  • How do I file a claim in a bankruptcy case?

    To obtain a claim form, please visit our website at  Select Forms and then select National Forms.  Choose Part 1, and scroll down until you see B410 Proof of Claim Form. Complete the form and file it electronically in the ECF system. You must have a valid login and password to use ECF.

    If the filer is not a registered ECF user, Proof of Claim forms can be submitted to the clerk's office in PDF format on a CD accompanied with the original Proof of Claim form, OR you can electronically file the proof of claim directly from our home page, without a login and password.

  • If you still have a mortgage on your home can the mortgage lender take your home?

    We are not allowed to provide legal advice. You may seek assistance from an attorney or legal aid firm., or you can find information by searching the United States Code.  A link is provided on our website.

  • What do I do if I uploaded an entire creditor matrix instead of just my amended creditor(s)?

    Go to Creditor Maintenance and delete the extraneous creditors.

  • I opened a case in the Ft. Worth Division but it should have been opened in the Dallas Division. How do I correct this?

    The filing party must file a Motion.

  • Are paralegals allowed to take the debtor attorney class?

    Paralegals, Legal Assistants and law firm support staff are encouraged to attend ECF classroom training. It is recommended that the attorney and staff attend on the same date, however, it is not required.

    ECF Training is now also offered online. Paralegals, Legal Assistants and law firm support staff can take the training at:

  • I have not received my login and password to finalize the connectivity portion of the registration. How long from date of request does it take to get these?

    You should receive your training login within 48 hours of the request. If not received within 48hours, contact the ECF Help Desk at or call 214-753-2600 or 800-442-6850.

  • How do I clear the cache on my browser so that images are properly displayed?

    In order for information to be displayed properly in ECF it is necessary to clear the "cache" or computer memory that is stored on your PC. Web browsers cache or store information about the web sites you visit directly to your PC. Caching is intended to increase the speed at which Internet pages are accessed. However, one side effect is that pages displayed from the cache may not be as new as pages available from the web. This means that you may not see updates that are made to ECF unless you clear the browser cache. The cache should be cleared frequently to avoid errors.

  • What type of hardware/software do I need to be able to use ECF?

    Hardware/Software Recommendations


    Internet Service Provider


    Word Processing/Document Preparation Software
    Adobe Acrobat Reader
    Software to convert documents to PDF
    PACER access to view documents and run reports

  • What if I find a PDF image that is unreadable?

    Contact the Help Desk with the case number and docket entry number of the unreadable PDF. If the document is available intrnally, we will attempt to re-scan the item to create a better quality image. If we are unable to retrieve the document, you will need to contact the filer of the document to obtain a better quality image.

  • How can an attorney become a registered ECF user?

    How to Become a Registered ECF User

    Attorney’s who currently are registered ECF filers in another Bankruptcy Court

    • If an attorney is already a registered Bankruptcy ECF filer in another district, they are not required to complete a training course or Connectivity Exercise.

    The attorney will complete the Registration form found on our website, and return it to the court to receive their login and password to the Electronic Filing System.

    Attorney must also show proof of ECF registration in another Bankruptcy court.  (i.e. – Certificate of completion, e-mail verifying password)

    ECF Registration can be mailed, emailed, overnight delivery, or brought into clerk’s office.  Clerk’s office will not accept ECF registration by fax.

     Attorney’s who are not registered ECF filers in another Bankruptcy Court

    ·          If an attorney is not already Bankruptcy certified in another district, than they must go through the following process. 

    ·          Step 1 - Choose and complete one of the online training programs from the courts website. Choose either the debtor attorney training or, creditor attorney training at:

    If you are not registered in another district, you must complete the training requirement.

    ·          Step 2 - Complete the Connectivity Exercise. A copy of the connectivity exercise can be found in the ECF Registration Packet. To complete the exercise, you will need a training login and password. Attorney’s will obtain a training login and password by attending classroom training..

    ·          Step 3 - Fill out the ECF Registration Packet. It contains everything you need to become a registered filer in the Northern District of Texas Bankruptcy Court. Mail the completed ECF Registration Packet to the address provided on the forms. The court will review your registration request and issue a live login and password to the Electronic Case Filing System once all forms have been processed. Please do NOT submit your ECF Registration forms until you have completed all required steps in the registration process.

    ECF Registration can be mailed, overnight deliver, email, or brought into clerk’s office.  Clerk’s office will not accept by fax.

    If attorney is a registered ECF filer in the US District Court, this will not make them eligible for a ECF Registration in the Bankruptcy Court.  The attorney will be required to take the ECF Training course and complete the connectivity exercise.

    Please return the registration form along with the supporting documentations to:

    or by mail to:

    United States Bankruptcy Court
    Northern District of Texas
    Attn:  ECF Registration
    1100 Commerce Street
    , RM 1254
    , TX 75242
